How to Make Hair Oil For Black Strong and Thick Hair

How to Make Hair Oil For Black Strong  and Thick Hair

Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies
Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies

Our hair comes in terribly completely different lengths, vogue color and textures however the matter is common recently.The atmosphere,our diet and care very affects hair.

Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies

    • Gray Hair 
    • Hair Fall
    • Hair harm
    • Greasy Hair

    This article covers a number of the foremost common hair dilemmas, from hair loss to greasy hair.

      Must browse this text rigorously and follow the remedy,believe Maine it extremely works. nowadays i'm progressing to share a natural handmade oil. This formula is well tested and it provides nice results. simply follow the steps as mentioned below.

      Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies

      For this oil you wish some ingredients that area unit obtainable reception these are:

      • Nigella sativa or Fennel flower(kalonji in hindi)
      • Fenugreek seeds(Methi Dana)
      • Sesame seeds(black/white)
      • Amla powder
      • Castor oil
      • Parachute oil
      • Glass jar

      Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies

      Now grind all ingredients all together to make a fine powder. Take the glass jar and take 2 tablespoons of fennel flower powder, sesame powder, methi dana and amla powder of course. Now add 3 table spoon of castor oil in the jar and pour 150ml coconut oil or parachute oil. Mix all them together and close the lid. The oil is ready na na na not yet. Keep this oil in sun light for seven days. After seven days the oil is ready to apply.

      How to apply:

      Make hair black, strong  and thick naturally remedies

      Massage your hair with pores in right circular way slowly slowly. Don't rinse and wash after 2 hours.Within 30 days after regular use you will find new growth and black hair shine definitely. If you like this article please share with your friends and family. If you have some queries or need help to make this oil comment below. I will answer you back definitely.

      How to Make Hair Oil For Black Strong  and Thick Hair

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